Benefits & Responsibilities of Owning Companion Animals
To examine the responsibilities of owning companion animals
Many people do not realize the responsibilities of owning a companion animal. It usually takes a lot more work than they expect. This presentation discusses both the benefits and responsibilities of owning companion animals, as well as the yearly cost of common companion animals. In addition, animals’ roles in society and new pet owner resources are discussed.
1. The student will describe the problems, causes and solutions of animal overpopulation.
2. The student will discuss the human-animal bond and its effects on human health and emotion.
3. The student will explore different roles of animals in society. To locate and provide informational materials on animal-related topics and issues.
Assignments will be posted on the Small Animal Management Google Classroom, under the “Assignments” topic of the “Classwork” tab. Please pay attention to all due dates, which will be posted on the assignments along with the instructions for the assignment.